Personal Integrated Financial Planning For Business-Owners
Because beyond the business, there is the business-owner.
Retirement plan
Every business-owner’s retirement plan is unique. We tailor the retirement analysis to your planned age at retirement (or sale of the business) and your projected cost of living during retirement. Retirement planning for a business-owner can be more involved than for a salaried employee due to specific tax implications (for instance, holding companies). We make sure that tax optimization is a fundamental premise to any plan.
Assessment of the insurance needs
Life, disability, critical illness, long-term care… plus all the riders that could be added to each of these various types of insurance products… There is a lot to get confused about here! As independent advisors, we help you identify what your insurance needs really are in each of these areas and balance the costs and risks of taking (or not) some insurance products or riders. Similarly, business insurance needs to be reviewed from time to time, especially if there are asset purchases due to growth of the business. Don’t leave this only to a broker. Make sure you or your accountant agrees.
Estate planning
Depending upon your family needs and your wishes for your legacy, many important decisions need to be made if you want to prepare for your passing… especially when you own a business. We have the ability to help you analyze the legal, financial and tax implications of your current situation, prepare a plan and optimize the financial bequests you will leave the beneficiaries of your estate.
Capital assets documentation
It is important that you have a complete inventory of your valuable assets along with their original cost, improvements and the depreciation history (accounting and tax). We can help you collect the information and build your capital assets summary so that sale, retirement, estate and insurance decisions are based on accurate data.